Saturday, October 20, 2012

Style book #27: Rouge H x Charcoal Grey

Hermès Fall/Winter 2012
Photographed by Nathaniel Goldberg


Une des couleurs tendances de cet automne-hiver 2012 est le bordeaux. J’adore partculièrement ce rouge profond, parce qu’il est si dramatique et il va bien en fait avec n’importe quelle couleur. Par exemple, avec noir, marron, caramel, marine… et surtout avec gris! La combinaison de couleurs bordeaux et gris est très chic, n’est-ce pas?

Bordeaux red is one of the trendy colors of this fall-winter 2012. I particularly love this deep red, because it is so dramatic and it goes well in fact with any color. For example, with black, brown, camel, navy ... and especially with grey! The color combination of bordeaux with grey is very chic, isn't it?

Le Robinson Chic
Selle d'Apparat Marocaine
Les Clés


  1. I love bordeaux and grey also. It always surprises me when looking for this colour in a shop how many shades there are: it's not always easy to find the perfect one.
    Lovely outfits, my favourite is number 3, my favourite thing is monochrome grey outfit with a black coat , but this delectable dark red coat is in a different league , just beautiful

    1. Thank you very much Estrella for your nice comments! As you are one of the best red wearers, I was very happy to read them :-) And that’s really true, there are so many shades for bordeaux. I love the one not too red and not too purple. My ideal bordeaux is the burgundy red, exactly as the color of red wine…

  2. Chère Iris,
    Je viens de découvrir ton blog. Moi aussi j'adore les carrés et je suis toujours à la recherche de nouvelles manières de les porter : merci, donc, pour ton travail.
    Je te suis désormais.

  3. Chère Maggie,
    Merci beaucoup pour ton message!
    Je suis ravie de savoir que tu es aussi une passionnée des carrés. Je visiterai ton blog aussi! Bon weekend!

  4. Dear Iris,
    Great and inspirational ideas as always. I really love the two last combinations (with selle d'apparat et les clés).
    This week I had a pair of bordeaux slacks with a navy blue silk blouse and a pink and bordeaux Hermes scarf. Very different from the colors I usually wear but I heard many compliments. This is another option to pair bordeaux.
    Anne (Playing With Scarves)

    1. Dear Anne, thank you so much for your message and your wonderful idea! It seems so chic your navy and bordeaux combinations… These colors should be very impressive together… For me, bordeaux red is almost a neutral color, as it works so well with any color. I should also try bordeaux and navy pair!

  5. Oooh Iris as always you fabulous with all your wonderful scarf looks and these are no exception! Congrats on them all! I liked the Crusoe scarf in graphite grey but I bought the orange because I already had several others in grey but I still really love that one.....SAx

    1. Dear SA, thank you for your sweet words!
      When I tried the model in a boutique, I loved so much the orange cw too. The colors were wonderful. I particularly liked the impressive contrast of black and orange. I found your cw is vivid and chic at the same time!
