Sunday, November 11, 2012

Style book #29: Black x Brown

Credit: Hermè


Noir et terre – une combinaison de couleurs discrète mais très raffinée, qui rehausse à la fois l’une et l’autre…

Black and brown – a discreet but very refined color combination, which enhances both colors at the same time...

Vif Argent
De Madras à Zakynthos
Rêve de Corail
Les Poneys de Polo


  1. Gorgeous! I love how you knotted Reve de Corail too.

    Les Poneys de Polo is one of my favorite scarves, I have the same colorway as you


    1. Dear Elle,
      Thank you very much for stopping by! I’m very proud to be scarf twins on Les Poneys de Polo. Love all its colors and its particularly well designed hems! :-)

  2. I am fond of black with brown, too, as black is often too stark for me. Love the tunic idea over a rollneck.

    1. Dear Bienchen,
      Thank you so much for your warm message! As you say, black becomes softer when it is paired with brown. I also love to wear black and brown with white like pic #3, these triple colors work so well together...

  3. Oh, Iris! I must say that I love all of these, as I am such a fan of pairing black and brown together. These looks are fabulous! Reve de Corail looks especially great on you. I love the way that you tied it. In photo # 1, is that a MT fur collar?


    1. Dear Cynthia,
      Thank you so much for your warm words! I knew you are fond of this color pairing as I think I promised with you the style book featuring on it! I was happy to know you loved it:-)
      About my grey fur, it is not from MT, it was originally attached to my coat… So I can’t fix it to my silk as MT’s… :-(

  4. Your fur collar is still beautiful, Iris. Perhaps you can add the little straps to secure the scarf? I like how you have it doing double duty - coat and over a sweater. Very clever. And the color is gorgeous. (I'm so partial to charcoal gray ;-)


    1. Hi Cynthia,
      Adding the straps is truly a genius idea! I should do it immediately. Thank you very much for your help :-)))
      From another charcoal gray lover

  5. I have madras a Zakinthos as well in same color but you make it look cool. I just look at mine in drawer...

    1. So we are scarf twins on Zakinthos! I love its soft color, especially its pinky brown. Hope yours is now out of your drawer and around your neck!
