Saturday, December 8, 2012

Style book #31: Wintry Scarves


Pour profiter pleinement de l’arrivée de l’hiver, j’ai choisi quelques carrés hivernaux. Le pouvoir magique des carrés me fait oublier le froid !

To fully enjoy the arrival of winter, I chose a few wintry squares. The magical power of scarves makes me forget the cold!

La Femme aux Semelles de Vent
La Vie du Grand Nord
An Asprey's Scarf


  1. Ah bonjour dear Iris! Lovely winter scarves - and I like the Asprey one too! Your La Vie du GN GM looks lovely and warm! We have a dry sunny day today but it is expected to get colder next week. Thanks for sharing! SAx

    1. Bonjour SA! Thank you very much for stopping by! I’m very proud to receive nice words on my La vie du GN from YOU. Because I know it is one of your favorite scarves in your wonderful collection. And I really love this Asprey’s scarf which has a very sophisticated color combination!

  2. Yes, in agreement with Scarf Addict. Your winter scarves are quite lovely. My favorite of the bunch is the first one, La Femme aux Semelles de Vent, which is another one that I missed out on buying! Love your jacket in the second photo. Very striking. Thanks for the beautiful photos.

    1. Hi Cynthia, thank you so much for your lovely words! This LFASDV is a Holy Grail scarf for me. I missed it once, but it reappeared in a sale season. I hope you will find it someday… ;-) And the jacket of the second pic is from Anne Fontaine. Every season, she makes very chic and original jackets and I love them. Thanks for compliment on my jacket!

  3. The first picture is just perfect. Such a gorgeous combo.

  4. Hi Naomi, thank you very much for stopping by ! Glad to know your love the first pic :-)

  5. Wonderful photo's as always, great theme too. The charcoal/black jacket is to die for Merry Christmas, Elle x

    1. Dear Elle,
      Thank you so much for your comment! The jacket is from Anne Fontaine. Have a wonderful holidays. Wish you a Merry Christmas!
