Monday, February 11, 2013

Style book #35: Inspired by Christine Lagarde


À la tête du Fond monétaire international, Christine Lagarde est l’un des plus célèbres admirateurs du carré Hermès au monde. Même si elle parcourt sans cesse le monde, elle s’habille toujours avec élégance aussi classique que simple.  En même temps, elle sait apporter une touche de féminin au milieu très masculin. Son bon goût est INCONTESTABLE. Mais avant tout, son plus grand charme émane sans doute de son allure très distinguée et épanouie… J'adore sa bonne humeur et son beau sourire!

Ms.Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, is one of the most famous Hermes scarf lovers in the world. She is an elegant woman, even she always travels all over the world. Her style is simple, but she knows how to bring a touch of femininity to a very masculine world. Her taste is IMPECCABLE. But above all, her greatest charm is surely in her elegance and her self-confidence... I love her beautiful warm-hearted smile!

Ex-Libris en Camouflage

Bouclerie d'Attelage

Voyage en Étoffes

Red Berries


  1. She is the thinking man's crumpet!

    She has an amazing style - love how she is so smart and stylish.

    Your outfits are sublime as per usual...

    1. Hi Coulda shoulda woulda !
      Thank you for your message! As you say, she is so smart and stylish… I really love seeing how she wears her silks :-)

  2. Such a great post - I love seeing how famous faces wear their Hermes! Your own looks are fabulous as always Iris! So far in the UK I have only really spotted the Queen and the Home Secretary Teresa May wearing Hermes scarves! SAx

    1. Hi Scarf Addict,
      Thank you again for your lovely words! In my country, it is also very rare to see a lady wearing H scarf. So, when I pass with a scarf lover, I can’t take away my eyes from her beauty and I feel immediately close to her… Ah, as you, if my sister caught a little of my addiction! ;-)

  3. Anonymous19/2/13 02:11

    Ms. Lagarde does have greta style, and I, too, second Scarf Addict in enjoying seeing famous people wearing H. Your looks are fabulous as always, Iris. I copied your look in photo number one twice this past week! I found it doesn't work as well with a dip dye or soft scarf, but really needs the stiffness of a newer scarf. I enjoyed playing time copying both the scarf tying in number one and four as well.


    1. I’m always so happy to know how you enjoyed my posts. Thank you for your warm message dear Cynthia. These days, I also love the tying way of photo No.1. This is almost a new wearing method for me. I was thinking I did not like that way, because it hides most of the beautiful details of the design and I can’t see myself my scarf around the neck! (I love to see my scarf in the day, during the work…) I duly noted your discovery about dip dye or soft scarf!

  4. oops commenting a little late...your Bouclerie d'attelage (sp) is absolutely stunning! I love the yellow against the cream. Tres elegante!

    1. Thank you for stopping by Sophia!
      As I wear often dark colors in winter, wearing sometimes bright colors is a nice change. As you say, gold x ivory is an elegant combination which I love also so much!

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