Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Style book #23: Astrologie Nouvelle (Soleil/Orange/Vert d’Eau)


Le coloris rappelle la transparence de l’eau et la lumière éclatante de l'été. Ce carré joyeux a marqué mon été 2012…

The cw reminds me the transparency of the water and the bright sunshine of the summer. This joyful square marked my summer 2012 ...


  1. Beautiful scarf! again another stunning look... I have been looking for a stripe shirt for a while now, need to look harder because yours looks so good!

    Elle x

    1. Dear Elle, thank you for your compliment! My stripe shirt is from Alain Figaret. I’m very fond of cotton shirts… And I imagine you are also shirt lover!

  2. Anonymous28/9/12 01:35

    Congratulations, on scoring the AN, scarf cousin! I agree with Elle, I love AN paired with the navy and white striped shirt. And also as a halter top. The navy blazer would look lovely over that as well. Hope to see cw 01 soon.


    1. Hi my AN cousin, thank again you for your sweet words! I combined with navy blazer because I thought the design of AN, especially its striped part, has certain marine taste. I’m very happy you and Elle liked it!

      Ps. Do you read SOTD thread of the Purseblog? This week, some persons declared their love for your 03 cw of AN! I think yours is becoming the greatest hit of this season!

  3. Anonymous30/9/12 01:40

    Hi, Iris. I didnt see my turquoise/cobalt/purple one, but I did see the white/black/anthracite/ bronze colored one. Maybe I didn't go far enough back? Did you try this cw? I liked it, but then I had to reason that stark white and black are not my best colors, but I loved the anthracite and the bronze color in the scarf. Have you ever seen a scarf where you wished that it had more of a certain color and less of another? No matter the colors, I love the pattern of this scarf!


    1. Hi Cynthia, thank you for your reaction. I’m really happy to know you love so much your AN!

      About SOTD, certainly only B&W cw was posted. But…, for example, VnSoie confessed she is owner of aqua/purple cw! ;-) About B&W version, I have never tried it. I saw it in the showcase, but my heart was already occupied by three other cws of AN. So it was reasonable for me not to try it and not to add another temptation…

      Your second question is interesting. Couple of months ago, I released more than ten scarves which I thought something disturbed me. Most of the time, it was the color. I learned from this experience if I don’t like some parts, some color combinations in the scarf, I should be reasonable…

  4. Anonymous2/10/12 03:02

    Hi, Iris. After going back, and reading the post, I did find the one you mentioned! I hope that VnSoie posts hers soon! I completely agree with you about not adding to temptation! This season has been dangerous enough to the wallet!

    Ten scarves, Iris? And I hope that you're going to replace them with at least another ten, right? ;-)


    1. Dear Cynthia,

      Indeed, this season is one of very attractive seasons for me too. And as I haven’t seen it yet, I also wish someone will post her beautiful cw03 in action!

      Before I decided to release some of my scarves, I had thought I could never do it. But after doing it, I now want to keep this balance. My IDEAL is - if I add some scarves, I release the same number of scarves…

  5. Chère Iris,
    Je viens de rentrer de vacances et découvre vos derniers articles... J'aime tout particulièrement la tenue avec la robe corail et le foulard porté en collier (et j'ai noté la fine ceinture blanche qui rappelle le carré). C'est totalement le genre de tenue que j'aurais pu porter à Santorin pour aller diner au bord de la plage ! Vous avez entièrement raison, ce foulard est vraiment parfait pour l'été, cela ne m'étonne pas qu'il ne vous ai pas quitté les derniers mois.

    1. Chère Scarfmoodist,
      Vous étiez donc à Santorin… C’est un endroit magique, n’est-ce pas ? Pour moi, c’est un endroit spécial, car c’était la destination de lune de miel ;-) J’espère que vous avez passé des moments inoubliables…( j’en suis sûre quand même…)
      Comme vous portez si bien la couleur orange et corail, j’imagine facilement vous en silhouette no2 ! Merci de vos gentils mots !

    2. Santorin est absolument incroyable. Il y a tout réuni sur quelques kilomètres carrés : le soleil, la plage, la mer, les poissons, les sites archéologiques, les paysages, le coucher de soleil dans la mer. Bref, une sorte de paradis sur terre. Vous avez très bien choisi votre destination de lune de miel !!! Vous devez avoir vous aussi de magnifiques souvenirs !!

    3. Je suis tout à fait d’accord avec vous Scarfmoodist! Santorin est un vrai paradis sur terre. Le coucher de soleil que j’ai vu à Santorin est resté toujours gravé dans ma tête. J’adorais aussi la cuisine grecque :-)

  6. I know this is an old post but I just discovered your beautiful blog and I'm just browsing through old posts. I've tried tying, the Hermes way (as in your picture), a scarf as a halter top but I find it too tight around the neck. Any suggestions? It's a brilliant idea, but not too comfortable!
